What It’s Like To Coach With Me

If you are looking to Move Forward becoming a more strategic and successful you, than I invite you to become part of the Alison Wilson community.

You’ll map your mindset as a business owner, an entrepreneur, and a leader by asking yourself a series of questions.  Each question shines (1) a light on your inner terrain and maps your valleys and mountains and (2) provides clarity on your life visions, goals, and desires.  By discovering and knowing your Life Purpose your decisions and actions well be congruent and cohesive.

We will discuss marketing on how to become an influencer and/or get more clients using social media, promotional items, collaboration, and networking.  This is hard work, that pays off in dividends.

Questions are designed for you 

  1. Know and Articulate Who you are and want to be
  2. Use your time wisely that is congruent with you
  3. Live your live authentically, your way
  4. Be less defined by others and immune to the opinions of others
  5. Learn how to edit input so the views of others doesn’t define you
  6. Know what you represent
  7. Define your vision and goals

By mapping your blindspots, emotions, fears, hopes, and terrain you can live your highest self’s life and vision.

You’ll get insight on how to achieve powerful results in your life and business, fitness, spiritual life. Wouldn’t it be nice to work 6 hours a day instead of 12 hours. Time is elastic.  Let’s chat about stretching time.  Become more authentic and true to you.  You are unique.  

You’ll receive our toolkit of 12 powerful questions, each one designed to help you dig deep to discover new frontiers and possibilities inside of you.  You are unstoppable, magnificent.  I believe in you.

To see all of the details, just visit

Let’s get it done.  Email me